Job Posting vs Job Description Templates

October 17, 2022

Job Posting vs Job Description Templates

As recruitment has evolved over the years, so have the methods and tools for job postings. With Human Resource Management software, companies can now choose between using a standard job description template or a job posting. Both methods have their pros and cons, and in this blog post, we will discuss the differences between the two.

Job Posting

A job posting provides a summary of the job description, outlining the qualifications and expectations of the role. It offers the employer an opportunity to market their company and target a larger pool of potential candidates. Many employers like job postings because it saves them time and offers flexibility.

Job postings can be in various formats, including text and multimedia, and can be distributed through a variety of channels such as social media, job boards, and their company website. Job postings are intended to get the attention of job seekers, and they sometimes include incentives such as bonuses, promotions, or the opportunity to work from home.

The downside of using job postings is that businesses often receive many applications from unqualified candidates. A job posting makes it challenging to weed out unqualified candidates entirely, and companies need to sort through all applications to find the right candidate. According to Aberdeen Group, companies receive an average of 250 applications per job opening. This is why it's essential to have the right tools in place to sort through all of the resumes.

Job Description Templates

A job description template is a standardized format that outlines the responsibilities and qualifications of a role. They provide the necessary information that potential employees need to make an informed decision about applying for the job. Job description templates are typically less detailed than job postings, but they are easier to create and quicker to distribute.

The benefit of using job description templates is that they provide a clear understanding of the job requirements, which can help attract the right candidates. Companies can also use job description templates to track employee performance and hold employees accountable. By establishing clear criteria, managers can more easily measure their employees' job performance.

One of the downsides of using job description templates is that they can be too rigid and may not provide enough detail to attract top talent. The lack of detail in job descriptions can make it difficult for candidates to determine if the job is a good fit for their skills and experience. According to Glassdoor, job postings receive 30% more applications than job descriptions.


Job postings and job description templates both have advantages and disadvantages. Companies must decide which one best suits their hiring needs. Job postings are useful for attracting a broader pool of candidates and promote a positive company culture. Still, they require more manpower for sorting through applications.

A job description template is beneficial because it provides a clear understanding of job requirements but may not attract top talent because of the lack of detail. When used in combination, job postings and job description templates can provide a robust recruitment strategy.


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